

American Crime Story Costar FX/Ryan Murphy

Dimention 404 Costar (large) Hulu/Dir. Dez Dolly

Criminal Minds Costar (large) CBS/Dir. Diana Valentine

Revenge Costar (large) ABC/Dir. Christopher Misano

General Hospital Day Player ABC/Various

X-Play Recurring G4tv/Various


Debt Men Lead Dir. Adam John Brummond

Dying Breed Lead Dir. Adam John Brummond

Safe Space Supporting Dir. Stefan Kubicki

Death Waits For No Man Supporting Dir. Armin Siljkovic

Cold Supporting Dir. Derek Mori

Release Me Lead Dir. Josema Roig

Starman Lead Dir. Josema Roig

They Kill Him Dead Lead Dir. Gary Ravenscroft

Sharkskin Supporting Dir. Dan Perri

Edge Of Salvation Supporting Dir. Luciano Saber

Wedding Day Supporting Dir. Dale Fabrigar/Andre Gordon

The Next Scene Lead Dir. Miguel Garcia


Almost, Maine Chad The Hudson Theatre

The Lion In Winter Richard The Renton Civic

The Christmas Princess Allen The Promenade Playhouse

Cowboy Versus Samurai Del The Richard Hugo House

Six Degrees Of Separation Rick The Richard Hugo House

Sex In Seattle Nathan Center Theatre

The Ugly Duckling Simon The Driftwood Players

I’m Not Rapport Gilley The Langston Hughes

Catch 22 Texan Nippon Kan


BGB Studios - Audition Technique

Doug Warhit - Cold Reading

Scott Sedita - Comedy Intensive

William Alderson - Meisner

Tawnya Pettiford-Wates - Scene Study

Kerry Keane - Cold Reading

Greg Stackhouse - Improv

Don Bloomfield - Meisner

Richard Brestoff - Scene Study

Paul Messinger - Cold Reading

Skills: Motorcycle (Dirt), , Football, Boxing, Swimming, Horseback (Western), Welding, Stick Shift, , Power Tools,