Press - Awards - Reviews

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Best Actor Award

Travis Myers wins his second Best Actor Award and third nomination portraying ‘Wyatt Star’ in STARMAN at Blackbird Film Festival (Courtland, NY)


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Best Actor Award

Travis Myers is presented with the Best Actor Award for his portrayal of ‘Wyatt Star’ in STARMAN at the Premios Claqueta-Fidc (Barcelona, Spain)

Wyatt Star, a down and out motorcycle rider faces his past mistakes to become once more the legend he once was.


Honorable Duo

Travis Myers & Alex Desert win Honorable Mention Duo at the Los Angeles Film Awards for their portrayal of two low level criminals, John & Sid, who look to each other for balance in a seedy world. DEBT MEN


Best Dark Comedy

DEBT MEN wins Best Dark Comedy at the Los Angeles Film Awards.

Starring Travis Myers, Alex Desert, Christopher Amitrano & Sharzad Kiadeh

Career and life can be hard to balance, especially for a couple of semi-pro criminals, but when a simple job goes south, two life-long friends have to remind each-other the biggest debt they owe is to their family and no one else.

Written by Travis Myers

Directed by Adam John Brummond


Short Narrative Winner

STARMAN win Best Short Narrative at the Minneapolis Saint Paul International Film Festival.

“Starman by Josema Roig is a film that takes advantage of every-single-frame and delivers gripping performances in tandem with a nail-bighting story. It’s a film that achieves both technically and creatively, and offers a fulfilled catharsis while leaving one wanting more. A fantastic accomplishment.”

-Jury Statement.

Starring Travis Myers, Frank Clem, Kym Jackson, Clayton Hoff & Melissa Strom

Written by Derek Ustruck/Josema Roig

Directed by Josema Roig

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Audience Award Winner

DYING BREED wins at the Tallgrass Film Festival (Wichita, KS)

Travis Myers stars as ‘Jessie’ in this elegant exploration of the destruction and devastation of the family farm. Jesse has spent his whole life as a steward of the land, but the ever-increasing trade wars, and the brut force of climate change have forced him and his family to desperate measures. A story of the working class in a world that's leaving them behind.

Written & Directed by Adam John Brummond

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Domestic Narrative Short Winner

STARMAN wins Best National Short at the Rome International Film Festival

“Starman holds a strong poise throughout with a stellar story progression and development. We are easily plunged into the main protagonists dilemmas as we ride through a desperate man’s downfall.” -Film Shortage

Starring Travis Myers, Frank Clem, Kym Jackson, Clayton Hoff & Melissa Strom

Written by Derek Ustruck/Josema Roig

Directed by Josema Roig

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Live Action Winner

STARMAN win Best Short Film at the Memphis International Film Festival.

“Starman is set in the painstaking and gruelling world of stuntmen, where a motorcycle rider, Wyatt Star, attempts to defy all odds by jumping the length of a football field in order to have his big comeback. After failing the rehearsal jump and breaking body and bike, Wyatt is unable to afford the proper replacement parts, forcing him to take difficult decisions that his family and friends may not approve.” -Film Shortage

Starring Travis Myers, Frank Clem, Kym Jackson, Clayton Hoff & Melissa Strom

Written by Derek Ustruck/Josema Roig

Directed by Josema Roig


Best Short Film

STARMAN wins Best Short Film at the Premis Ciutat de Palma (Spain)

In 2003 Wyatt Star was the first motorcycle rider attempting a jump over a football field. During the practice jump the bike fails and Wyatt is forced to confront his past mistakes in order to get the money and try to become again the legend he once was.

Starring Travis Myers, Frank Clem, Kym Jackson, Clayton Hoff & Melissa Strom

Written by Derek Ustruck/Josema Roig

Directed by Josema Roig


Best Of The Fest

STARMAN wins Best of the Fest at the Blackbird Film Festival

Starring Travis Myers, Frank Clem, Kym Jackson, Clayton Hoff & Melissa Strom

Written by Derek Ustruck/Josema Roig

Directed by Josema Roig

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Travis Myers featured on Indiewires Project of the day for the Short concept film ‘There is a New World Somewhere’.

Written & Directed by Li Lu

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Broadway World

“Travis Myers and John Lacy nail their scene "They Fell" as best drinking buds. Don't want to give the 'punchline' of this scene away. Just be prepared to laugh out loud- a lot!” - Gill Kaan

Almost Maine Review

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Discover Hollywood

“They Fell , featuring Travis Myers and John Lacy is the controversial segment of the series. Because of this comic rendition of falling in love, the play has been banned in some schools. We, however, laughed heartily at the events as they transpired before us. And I ask, who hasn't felt love for their best friend?”

-Suzanne Birrell

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“The good ol’ boys brought to life by the pitch-perfectly macho pair of Travis Myers and John Lacy as Chad and Randy had this reviewer falling for the short but oh-so-sweet “They Fell.” -Steven Stanley

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Seattle P.I.

“One of the funniest scenes involves a machismo contest between Caucasian Nathan, played by Travis Myers, and Asian American Colin, Jose Abaoag III.”

-Joe Adcock

Sex in Seattle EP. 14 Review

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“This particular episode will be even sexier than the other 15, and in some ways it is (hunky Travis Myers, who plays Nathan, strips down to his waist in a fantasy scene that's as funny as it is sexy).”

-Rajkhet Dirzhud-Rashid

Sex in Seattle EP. 16 Review

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“I still think Travis Myers as a lunk-headed small town anti-hero to Ray Tagavilla's sort of hero, is the greatest thing to hit a Seattle stage for some time. Keep your eyes out for more of him in the future.”

-Rajkhet Dirzhud-Rashid

Cowboy Versus Samurai Review